Rihanna – Harpers Bazaar Shoot – Cultural Approriation or Creative Inspiration

Rihanna has appeared in what has turned out to be a rather contentious photo shoot in Harper’s Bazaar China. Featuring on the cover and appearing in the issue wearing what is distinctly oriental inspired fashion, the photos are gorgeous, lush and beautiful.

However the aesthetic is causing some to cry foul and accuse her of cultural appropriation. it seems like many are thinking ‘How dare she try to look oriental or wear clothing which is of a different culture than hers.’

This is utter nonsense, Cultural Appropriation or is it Creative Inspiration. The Shoot Credits are as follows:
Photography: Chen Man.
Visual Direction: Xiaomu Fan
Styling: Wei Tian
Publisher: Simona Sha
No doubts there are more not credited…

It isn’t strange that there isn’t a westerner amongst them, as the publication is based in China. So, I ask you, where is the theft (read Appropriation)?

Grow up people, Rihanna is the Model, whom no doubt the creative team wanted to do something creative and interesting with. Well, they’ve succeeded. For a long time now our global environment has been getting smaller and smaller, and we and our creative precursors have drawn their influences from all over the world.

This so-called appropriation lies at the very heart of creativity, read up on Chinoiserie, Japonism, Orientalism, Modern Classicism and any art style inspired by other cultures and period styles.

Japan has whole subcultures which are inspired and influenced by western culture, just look at the Tokyo Rockabilliy Subculture. Are they guilty of Cultural Appropriation? Who cares… Grow up and stop being so sensitive.

watch the video of the shoot in youtube